MAY 03rd, 2024 12 visitors.
Fédération Internationale de Bâtons de Défense et Disciplines Associées
• Partner of the French National Education.
• Registered at the French Ministry of Youth and Sport.
• Professional training organization.

Kenpo and self-defence training in the university of Madrid.
20th, 21st and 22nd September 2006. Madrid, Spain.

The trainees together with the instructors.
The F.I.B.D/D.A expert together with Master Vegues and his instructors David, Carlos, Luis and Antonio.The university students during the work.
Master Vegues, during a technical explanation.The pupils are listening carefully to the instructor's advice.
The F.I.B.D/D.A. expert Rafael is carrying out a defence technique against a grasp.Rafael explaining a defence technique using a low kick.
A transition to lead the adversary to the floor.The F.I.B.D/D.A expert is controlling the agressor on the floor using an arm lock.